The Truth About What Will Make Your Personal Brand Grow

Buzzworthy in Brand Positioning

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A warm welcome to 114 performers who joined The Buzzworthy Brands community since last week!

Ever tried to catch a butterfly? The more you chase, the more they elude you. But stand still, and they might just come to you.

Personal branding is kind of like that.

You might think it's all about chasing big numbers - a million Twitter followers, a hundred thousand website visitors, or an email list that would fill a football stadium.

Sounds impressive, right?

Yet, in reality, it's as satisfying as trying to live off cotton candy. Sure, it's sweet, but it doesn't really fill you up.

These numbers are what we call vanity metrics. They might look good on paper, but they are as hollow as a chocolate Easter bunny.

What really matters in personal branding isn't the quantity, but the quality of your followers. It's not about how many people follow you, but how many engage with your content, sign up for your email list, or even buy your products or services.

Think of it like a concert. Would you rather perform to a packed stadium where no one listens, or a cozy room full of people hanging onto your every word?

So, how do you attract this quality audience?

Enter the Positioning Statement.

Imagine it as your personal brand's GPS, guiding every message you put out there. It's a clear statement about who you are, whom you serve, what your audience aspires to, and what you can offer them.

On a single page, ask and answer these four questions:

  • Who am I? Elaborate on your backstory.

  • Whom do I serve? There’s a big difference between an aspiring entrepreneur in their early twenties and somebody in the middle of their career.

  • What does my audience hope, fear, dream, and aspire to become? Interview, survey, and speak to your followers.

  • What can I offer my audience? Focus on your strengths and what you excel at.

These are difficult questions to answer, and your document will evolve over time.

Ultimately, the goal is to get to a single statement:

I help X achieve Y.

After that, the rest is easy.

Once you have this, everything else falls into place. Your website, email list, social media - they all align to this statement like stars to a constellation.

If you fear this may sound too thin, see it in action right on my profile - you get two variations of the same formula, written in a way that covers all the introductory questions my audience might have:

  • whom I help: tech founders

  • achieve what: grow on LinkedIn, build an audience and brand reputation + save Time.

So, forget about chasing butterflies. Plant a garden instead - a garden of engaging content that your ideal audience can't resist.

Remember, it's not about the crowd, but the connection.

Connecting Dots@dharmesh on startups, scaleups and strategy

To your personal branding success.

Buzz out,


P.S. On that note, here is a post that many reached out to say it was eye opening for them this week:

Want to take your personal brand on LinkedIn to the next level? I’m still taking two 1:1 Content Coaching clients this next week.

You'll have homework. You'll work directly with myself. You'll get my best post templates that build brand authority & convert.


Reply to this email with "Buzz", and I'll send you the details. 2 spots left.

You can read tons of client reviews here.

Also, I get asked all the time which newsletter tool I recommend. Hands down, Beehiiv. (Sign up with this link and you’ll get a special bonus.)

Till Saturday!

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