Stop Chasing Likes, Start Building Connections

Level Up Your LinkedIn Profile

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A warm welcome to 227 performers who joined The Buzzworthy Brands community since last week!

It's easy to get caught up in chasing likes and views on LinkedIn.

We spend hours crafting the perfect profile, hoping to catch the attention of recruiters and potential connections.

But is simply attracting attention enough?

The answer is a resounding No.

While a strong profile can attract initial interest, it's only the first step in building a meaningful online presence.

True LinkedIn success comes from:

  • Nurturing engagement

  • Fostering relationships, and ultimately

  • Driving real action.

Why Attention Alone Isn't Enough on LinkedIn:

  • It's fleeting: The LinkedIn feed is a constant stream of updates and notifications. Even if you grab someone's attention, it's likely to be fleeting. How many times have you scrolled past a profile without taking the time to really engage?

  • It doesn't guarantee connection: Just because someone sees your profile doesn't mean they'll connect with you. They might glance at your headline and move on without ever truly understanding what you offer.

  • It doesn't build trust: Attention alone won't build trust. You need to demonstrate your value, establish credibility, and cultivate genuine relationships.

Shifting Focus to Engagement and Action:

Instead of chasing fleeting attention, let's focus on building meaningful engagement and driving real action on LinkedIn. This means:

  • Creating a profile that resonates: 

    Don't just list your skills and experience.

    Tell your story, showcase your personality, and demonstrate your unique value proposition.

    • How: Instead of a generic headline like "Marketing Manager," use a headline that legitimates your expertise and value, like "Helping Businesses Grow Through Content Marketing."

  • Encouraging interaction: 

    Don't just be a passive observer.

    Engage with other users, share valuable content, and participate in discussions.

    • How: Instead of just posting a job update, share an article relevant to your field and ask a question to spark discussion.

  • Building relationships: 

    Treat your LinkedIn network like real people.

    Connect with individuals who share your interests, offer support, and build trust through authentic interactions.

    • How: Instead of simply sending connection requests, personalize your messages and explain why you're interested in connecting.

Taking Action: Level Up Your LinkedIn Profile

Ready to take your LinkedIn profile to the next level?

Join my upcoming workshop, "Roast My Profile," on June 14th.

What You're Getting:

  • Roasting your own LinkedIn profile live so you get customised feedback for your own LinkedIn profile

  • A 60-minute LIVE Workshop where I'll break down the step-by-step process I use to create LinkedIn profiles that attract top opportunities.

  • The 5-step framework for optimizing your profile so you can get noticed by the right people.

  • Why a strong LinkedIn presence matters more than ever in today's competitive job market.

  • A peek behind the scenes into how I built my own LinkedIn profile to generate thousands of connections and opportunities.

  • The 3 crucial elements your LinkedIn profile must have to generate results.

  • How to craft a compelling headline and about that captures attention, legitimates your thought leadership, and instills trust.

  • How to optimize your profile for visibility so you're seen by the right people.

  • A breakdown of what you need to do to stand out from the crowd and get noticed.

  • The secret ingredient that makes or breaks a successful LinkedIn profile.

  • The 'laws of LinkedIn', and why breaking them will hurt your chances of success.

  • And learning how to link it all together live. (Enabling you to build a stronger network and attract more opportunities.)

...But that's not all.

 If you enroll NOW, you'll also get, for Free:

BONUS 1: A 30-minute Q&A group session with me, where you can ask any LinkedIn-related questions you might have. (VALUE: $900)

BONUS 2: A free template for creating a compelling LinkedIn about, complete with examples and prompts. (VALUE: $150)

BONUS 3: A free template for creating your LinkedIn banner, complete with examples and prompts. (VALUE: $500)

Click here to register for the workshop: 

What's the Investment?

  • This is the framework for achieving LinkedIn success, without the frustration and wasted time.

  • Think of it like this – I use this process myself to establish thought leadership and generate leads, and I've seen results.

  • With that said, it's only $97. That's it.

  • No upsells, no downsells, no hidden fees.

Is it going to be recorded?

  • Yes. I'll send you the recording after the session. So in case you can't attend, you still get the goodies.

Want to Get Your Profile Roasted Live?

If you want your profile to be one of the select few that I roast live during the Workshop, make sure to send it to me beforehand!

Just email it to [email protected] with the subject line "Roast My Profile".

LinkedIn isn't just about collecting connections; it's about building genuine relationships and driving meaningful action.

P.S. A big thanks to our sponsor for the week: STORI.

We created STORI because we needed it

Yes, you’ve read it right. As a growing startup we were facing a problem - need for consistent content marketing and social media presence. But we were lacking marketing people who could help us not only shape our brand, but turn it into a platform and communicate it consistently. Then we thought - what if AI could help us? We started working and the rest is STORI. It helps us create, edit, publish and schedule content for months within minutes.

Also, I get asked all the time which newsletter tool I recommend. Hands down, Beehiiv. (Sign up with this link and you’ll get a special bonus.)

Till next time!

Buzz out.


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