Buzzworthy in grabbing attention

5 harmful habits from 15 posts


5 harmful habits from 15 posts

Last week, I got my hands dirty and roasted 18 posts in real time.

It was fun, but more importantly, it was an eye-opener. Most people kept making the same mistakes when it comes to grabbing attention, sending a clear message, and making the reader curious enough to act.

So today I decided to show you the five harmful habits they had in common, and how they'll directly impact your business (unless you break them).

Let's roast.

1. Weak Hooks.

Mistake: Weak opening line.

What To Do: Strengthen your hook, or you'll fail to grab interest.

Real Example 1: "If I were to revamp my LinkedIn content strategy today."

How I'd change it: "5 LinkedIn content lessons I learned the hard way, and how to fix them."

Real Example 2: "Almost all founders are still doing this blunder."

How I'd change it: "No1 LinkedIn mistake Founders make (And how it's impacting your business)."

The Result: Instead of scrolling past, the reader will read on.

This is crucial for your content performance, as it makes sure your hard written post won't go unnoticed. However, coming up with attention-grabbing hooks daily is far from easy. That's why I’ve created 101 Templates with Examples so you never run out of ideas. Access them here.

Btw— lots of love for today’s sponsor, Aware.

Have you heard of the latest tool for LinkedIn creators?

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The preferred alternative to Taplio.

Aware makes it easier for you to create social media posts and engage with your target audience. (They give you access to a bunch of analytics and, my favorite, a sneak peek into your best leads too.)

Learn how Aware can grow your brand on LinkedIn here.

2. Overused Topics.

Mistake: An overused topic itself is not a big problem, but how you write about it is.

What To Do: Approach fashionable topics from a new angle and make your writing "punchier".

Real Example: "In the end, it's the people who will use your services and pay you for them, not the algorithm."

How I'd change it: "People buy your services, computers don't."

The Result: People take you seriously.

Short, snappy sentences not only make your point stronger, but add credibility to your expertise. After all, it takes a real expert to convey Big ideas in small chunks. Good writers delete fluff. (See what I did there?)

3. Mixed Messaging.

Mistake: Trying to convey more than one message per post.

What To Do: Follow this rule of thumb; 1 post = 1 message. Otherwise, you'll confuse the reader.

For example, if you're talking about why squats are a great leg exercise, you won't talk about your killer shoulder workout in the same post.

The Result: More clarity means more clients.

Talking about 1 specific thing in your content keeps your message clear. Then, those who reach out know who you are, what you do, and why they want to work with you. Anything else, and your DMs are going to fill up with time wasters.

Beyond DeadlinesTactics for Planning

4. Repetition.

Mistake: Repeating yourself multiple times.

What To Do: Never repeat the same point twice. Approach the subject from multiple angles instead.

For example, if you've already said "The party is at 10 pm" there's no need to say "Doors open at 10 pm" two lines later. You want to start talking about the band, dress code, or catering.

The Result: You appear more confident and knowledgeable.

Repetition weakens your position, while avoiding it shows you understand the problem you solve inside and out. (You have no idea how hard it was to talk about repetition without repeating myself.)

5. Confusing & Weak Endings.

1 Harmful Habit, 3 Common Mistakes;

Mistake 1: Having more than one CTA (call to action).

What To Do: Focus on one CTA. What do you want people to do after reading your post? Book a Discovery Call, validate your new idea, something else? Pick one.

The Result: The reader won't suffer choice overload, which will impel them to act.

Mistake 2: Selling & asking an unrelated question at the same time.

What To Do: Again, pick one. Otherwise, you'll only weaken your message.

The Result: If you want to sell, they buy. If you want to ask a question, they comment.

Mistake 3: Loose Ending.

What To Do: Write strong endings, and give them your full attention. The Ending has to be as strong as your post's Hook.

Real Example: "Send me a message to work with me. (only 3 spots left this year)"

How I'd change it: "Wanna achieve X? DM me now to grab one of the last 3 slots for 2023."

The Result: Highly impacts the reader. It'll make them remember you, and/or act immediately.

The Verdict.

Break these five harmful habits, and you'll be set for success.

All you've gotta do now is strengthen your hooks, look for new ways of saying old things, stick to one subject at a time, stop repeating yourself, and choose one call to action.

Jeez, reading that last sentence out loud sure is a mouth full.

But don't worry, I know a good place to start. Take a peek.

Buzz out.


Pickle RoomsStories for Startups & Entrepreneurs

P.S. On that note, I have 150+ templates that WORK like these ones, and not only for hooks.

Even better, you can have them all, too — I’m still taking two 1:1 Content Coaching clients this next week.

You'll have homework. You'll work directly with myself. You'll get my best post templates that build brand authority & sell (like the ones above).


Reply to this email with "April", and I'll send you the details. 2 spots left.

You can read tons of client reviews here.

Also, I get asked all the time which newsletter tool I recommend. Hands down, Beehiiv. (Sign up with this link and you’ll get a special bonus.)

P.P.S. Sending a warm welcome to everyone who joined The Buzzworthy Brands community since last week!

Till Wednesday.


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