Buzzworthy in Brand Impact

Craft the perfect ABOUT section


8 secrets of every world-class brand

Welcome to The Buzzworthy Brands, your weekly guide to an influential brand and wealthy lifestyle online.

Today, you’ll get the 8 secrets of a world-class LinkedIn about section for your brand (and why your brand matters more now than ever before).

Btw— lots of love for today’s sponsor, Aware.

Have you heard of the latest tool for LinkedIn creators?

Get better commenting, analytics, and CRM integration.

The preferred alternative to Taplio.

Aware makes it easier for you to create social media posts and engage with your target audience. (They give you access to a bunch of analytics and, my favorite, a sneak peek into your best leads too.)

Learn how Aware can grow your brand on LinkedIn here.


There’s this classic saying in marketing:

“Don’t sell the steak. Sell the sizzle.” What does it mean?

People don’t buy the product or service. They buy what the product will DO for them. They buy how the service makes them FEEL.

(Ex: You don’t buy a watch. You buy how the watch will make you feel.)

And there is “sizzle” hidden in everything you want to sell in life, including your About section on your LinkedIn profile.

How to get a great LinkedIn About section

Most people get this part completely wrong… 

Your LinkedIn About section is NOT:

  • Your entire life story

  • You list of awards & achievements

  • A boring summary of your entire resume

  • And definitely NOT to be written at 3rd person (Kevin is a great leader who…) - I mean, please.

Your about section is about your audience. And about what you Do for them. And how what you do makes them Feel.

(See how it all ties together?)

BTW, I love this amazing video from the 30’s of Elmer Wheeler (America’s #1 sales consultant and personality builder), who brilliantly says it all:

It’s not so much what you want to say, but what the customer wants to hear.

Elmer Wheeler


TL; DR; Simply put, there are 8 ingredients of every world-class brand’s about section on LinkedIn:

  1. Hook: Start with a statement that grabs attention.

  2. Problem Identification: Clearly define the problem your target audience faces.

  3. Introduction & Credibility: Briefly introduce yourself and establish your credibility.

  4. Vision & Desire: Paint a picture of what success looks like for them.

  5. Offer Solution: Detail the services you offer.

  6. Social Proof: Include testimonials or achievements to build trust.

  7. Personal Touch: Share a bit about yourself to make the section more relatable.

  8. Call to Action: Direct readers on what to do next.


What people think a personal brand is: posting lots of selfies.

What a personal brand actually is: positioning, visual identity, voice, interactive journey, influence cultivation, content strategy, trust building, and good meaningful stories.

Your personal brand is either working for or against your business. Your choice.

And it starts with your presence online.

Btw, I recently posted a handy infographic about this (which you all told me that you loved). Check out that LinkedIn post here.


Step 1: Hook + Pattern Interrupt

A pattern interrupt is something that goes against the reader's expectations.It’s something that catches them off guard and intrigues them into continuing to read. Here's how Kevin does it

For example, in my about section, I don’t start by saying, "My name is Ana, and I do XYZ." I start with a direct jab into the reader's mouth. 

Hook your audience from the start.

That instantly grabs attention (for the right audience).


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