Building a Story Brand

Buzzworthy in stories that build your brand.

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Since we were kids, we were used to appreciating and listening to stories. That’s why businesses that harness the power of stories improve their chances of success.

The basic structure of a story –

The character desires something, but that something is hard to get. That’s the problem.

When the character is on the verge of giving up, a guide appears.

This guide provides a plan and calls the character to take action.

The character then avoids failure and manages to get that something they initially desired.

This outline is based on Donald Miller’s - Building A Story Brand Book.

No matter how fancy your website or social media is, if readers can’t immediately understand who you are, what you’re here to do, and why a customer should choose you instead of someone else, you’ll struggle to get new clients.

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The SB7 system breaks this structure into a template that can fit any business. Here’s the system: 

[You can fill in the story template on I do it by myself for every client I work with]

—> A character (hero)

—> has a problem (villain)

—> and meets a guide

—> who gives them a plan

—> and calls them to action

—> that ends in success and helps them avoid failure

Show them how great their life will look after they have product

Let’s see the story template in practice:

A character (Hero) —>

Spoiler alert: The hero of your brand’s story isn’t you.

  • It’s your customer.

  • Your brand is the guide who helps the hero overcome the challenge and get what they want.

  • Define what the hero wants the most.

  • One main desire.

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